/ Documentation /Getting Started/ Configuration Settings for a Modal Popup in Convert Pro

Configuration Settings for a Modal Popup in Convert Pro

The Configuration settings in Convert Pro allow you to determine when, where and to whom should the call-to-action appear. With a set of advanced triggers, page and audience targeting options and cookie settings, you can display the popup at the right time in the right place before the right audience.

Let us take a look at the three main sections under the configuration settings

  • Launch
  • Target
  • Cookies

When do you wish to display the modal popup?

The launch triggers help you set up the launch time/method you wish to display the modal popup.

The launch section includes:

After few seconds: When enabled you can set a time (number of seconds) that will be calculated after a visitor arrives on the page. This will trigger the popup after the set seconds.

Exit Intent: When enabled, your modal popup is triggered at the precise time when a visitor is about to leave the page.

After Scroll: When enabled, your modal popup will be triggered after a visitor has scrolled the specified amount of the page.

User Inactivity: You can use this trigger to detect user inactivity for a specified amount of time. You can set this inactivity time through the General settings. (link to general settings article)

After Blog Post: The call-to-action will be displayed when the user finishes reading a blog post.

When a CSS element is visible: You can enter a class name or ID to make sure that the call-to-action appears when this CSS element appears in the viewport.

On click: You can display a Convert Pro call-to-action on the click of any element or text on page. You can do so by adding a link that you get for each call-to-action or by using a CSS class.

Where are to whom do you wish to display the modal popup?

Target settings allow you to select the pages you wish to display the call-to-action on, identify users according to their behavior, the device they use, the site they come from and more.

The target settings include:

Pages: This allows you to determine where the call-to-action will appear. You can select specific pages, posts, special pages, archives and more.

User Behavior: This settings allows you to decide whether you wish to show or hide a modal popup from logged in users and first time visitors.

Hide on Devices: You may want to hide a modal popup on certain devices. You can do so by using this option.

Referrer Detection: Convert Pro allows you to personalize popups according to the domain your users come from. You can use this setting to hide or show a modal popup to users coming from a particular domain or domains.

Schedule: Do you have a special offer in mind or a specific time when the popup will work? You can schedule it from the settings here.

Cookie settings

With Convert Pro, you can decide whether you wish to display a call-to-action after a user has closed it or successfully submitted the form.

You can enable these options and select the number of days you wish to hide the popup after successful submission or after a user closes it.

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