/ Documentation /Filters/Convert Pro Email Notification Filters

Convert Pro Email Notification Filters

Have you enabled email notifications through a Convert Pro and getting an email every time new user opts in.

If yes then this article will help you to configure the email notification you are receiving.

If you observe the email you receive, it has following default sections –

“From” field always has value – [email protected]

and “Name” fields always has value – WordPress

You can change these default values with filter given below.

You can configure these values and manage the emails coming from various websites you handle.

Let’s see what these filters are –

Note: Add following code into your child theme’s functions.php file.

Filter 1: Update “from” email address

// Controls the from email address of form submission email
function function_name_email( $from_email ) {
    $from_email = "[email protected]"; // Change this email address.
    return $from_email;
add_filter( 'cpro_from_email', 'function_name_email' );

As described in the comment – for $from_email parameter add your email address instead of [email protected]

Filter 2: Update value for “name” field.

// Controls the from name of form submission email
function function_name( $from_name ) {
$from_name = "WordPress"; // Change this name.
return $from_name;
add_filter( 'cpro_from_name', 'function_name' );

As described in the comment – for $from_name parameter add your name instead of WordPress

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