/ Documentation /Developers/ How to Add Custom Conditions to Display a Call-to-action?

How to Add Custom Conditions to Display a Call-to-action?


The cp_pro_target_page_settings filter allows adding custom conditions to display your design.


 * Callback function to add more conditions while displaying popup
 * @param bool $display
 * @param string $style_id
 * @return bool $display
function your_callback_function( $display, $style_id ) {
    // Replace style id with your style ID
    if( $style_id == '23' ) {
       // your custom logic
    return $display;
add_filter( 'cp_pro_target_page_settings', 'your_callback_function', 10, 3 );


  • $display: (bool) value for displaying popup
  • $style_id: ( Int ) ID of style


 * Display style only to users with author role
function check_user_role( $display, $style_id ) {
   // Replace style id with your style ID
   if( $style_id == '18' ) {
    if( is_user_logged_in() ) {

        // get current user role
        $current_user = new WP_User(wp_get_current_user());
        $user_roles = $current_user->roles;
       if( in_array( "author", $user_roles ) ) {
          $display = true;
       } else {
          $display = false;
    } else {
       // hide style for non logged in users
       $display = false;
  return $display;
add_filter( 'cp_pro_target_page_settings', 'check_user_role', 10, 3 );


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